In 2005 Julie from the marketing department created a metal event sign for the site that gave more information on the happenings at the farm. It was a big hit so every year we have new one made up. After the first year I wasn't sure what to do with the old one so I decided to hang it in the stairwell as decoration. Now the wall is full it means a lot more to me than just decoration. Each one of the events on the posters has a story. A little something that makes it stand out, worth remembering. There was the dairy breakfast that was so cold that we couldn't keep the food warm from the tent to the benches. Of course, the next year was so hot that we had to pass out water to the folks standing in line. This year's breakfast will go down as the year the farm looked more like an island with all the flood water standing around. There was the first bonfire in 2007 that went a little crazy. We made up zip lock baggies with s'more supplies for 300. For a first year event we thought that would be plenty. When the gates opened that night and the line stretched into the parking lot we figured we were in trouble. I grabbed everyone I personally knew and sent them out for more supplies. I drafted Glenview Park Board members, Chuck the Executive Director, spouses of our staff, even my poor wife who was dispatched to buy every last Hershey bar in all Glenview and Northfield. Despite the chaos it was so much fun. At the end of the night we had seen almost 1,500 people. I remember last years barn dance because I actually wasn't there. I was back home in Iowa with my Dad while he was fighting the devil's disease. After 8 years and over a quarter of a million visitors I have to say it has been a blast. The heavy lifting has been worth it. Sometime we get wrapped up in looking at these events and programs and only see the numbers and the costs. The other day I was checking out a blog by a friend of the farm and it really helped put into focus the real goal. "My son (22 months) and I are * addicted * to the farm LOL and tromp down there about once a week! We love each event and have made every one the past two years!" If you are reading this blog you likely have something to do with the farm and I want to thank you for what you do.