As I write this it is about 10 degrees outside. On days like this it is nice to find a few jobs that don't require being out in the elements. Construction on the exhibit and the people mover wagon continue in the basement where it is about 65 degrees.
The other job that is consuming a lot of time is the yearly budget. At Wagner Farm we operate on a May- April fiscal year. For the board to have enough time to look over the projected budget and approve it we have to have it turned in by the end of January. One of the interesting parts of budgeting for me is the forecasting. The development of ideas for the future and reviewing of how we have done in the past gives the office part of the job some mile markers. As a farmer when you are mowing a field of hay you can look back and see physical evidence of your work. Progress is being made. On the office side of the job you seem to move from one stack of papers to the next and the strides forward don't seem so obvious. However, when you hand in a
300 + page budget binder you are definitely moving paper!
300 + page budget binder you are definitely moving paper!