The world famous bovine Boo is back at Wagner Farm. Last June Boo gave birth to Madison and so began her life in the milking line. Because Wagner Farm skips milking during the winter the gentlemen at Golden Oaks help us out by milking her for us. With spring here and programs starting up again it was time to return Boo to the farm. With the help of Nate and Ethan we loaded Boo up for the trip back south. I'm not sure what went through her mind when she got off the trailer but one of the first greetings she got was from her daughter Madison. We plan on milking Boo until sometime in early June and then let her take a break until the birth of her next calf. At that point, Buttercup the Jersey, should be ready for her first run in the milking line. If you would like to see a cow milked just come to the farm at 4:30 in the afternoons. (The only day we don't do demonstrations is Sunday. We also reserve the afternoon milkings some days for school classes so you might want to call ahead to check the schedule)