Our friends the Bensons have been good enough to again hatch out some of the eggs from the farm so we can have replacement hens. Kevin, Karina and Lauren are really experts at this since they have an incredibly high hatching rate. The other impressive thing is they can name and recognize every chick they hatch. So here is the brood for this year. The names are;
Grover ~ The chicken with the band-aid on its legs. Blond with black stripes down back and head Percy ~ The oldest chick. Brown with white speckled head. Feathers farthest along
Snowball ~ Pure white/yellow. Smartest (also pecks allot)
Venus ~ White, a little gray on head
Scraggles ~ Dark brown with ruffled feathers. 2nd youngest
Cloud ~ White with gray on back
Pluto ~ Dark brown / black
Persephone ~ Brown with black /dark brown stripe down back
Helen ~ Light brown (hard to tell apart from Percy and other browns)
Penelope ~ Same looks as Helen and Percy
Athena ~ Blond with black stripe down back and head
Harry ~ Blond with black stripe down back and head (head stripe thicker than Athena or Grover's)
Snowball ~ Pure white/yellow. Smartest (also pecks allot)
Venus ~ White, a little gray on head
Scraggles ~ Dark brown with ruffled feathers. 2nd youngest
Cloud ~ White with gray on back
Pluto ~ Dark brown / black
Persephone ~ Brown with black /dark brown stripe down back
Helen ~ Light brown (hard to tell apart from Percy and other browns)
Penelope ~ Same looks as Helen and Percy
Athena ~ Blond with black stripe down back and head
Harry ~ Blond with black stripe down back and head (head stripe thicker than Athena or Grover's)
Because these chicks will grow fast if you want to come and see them swing by the heritage center. Jeff rigged up a special brooder exhibit for them. Extra credit for anyone who can figure out where the inspiration for the names came from.