Thursday, May 13, 2010
A great Gift
Last night I had the honor of attending the Glenview Women of Today's meeting and receiving a very nice donation for our efforts with the Glenview Farmers Market. The GWT actually was the group that started the market back in the 1980's. When we took the farmers market over in 2007 they were terrific in their support and help in making the transition easy. Besides helping financially sponsoring some of our markets mission they also volunteer as crossing guards to help families get safely across Wagner Road. As an organization they are very active in the community. Last nights meeting is actually called the disbursal meeting because they give away the funds that they have raised in the past year through a community grant program. Along with Wagner Farm about 15 other non-profit groups were awarded grants. The dollar value of all the grants was over $25,000 so this is by no means "small potatoes" to use a farm word. On behalf of the Glenview community, Thank you Glenview Women of Today.