I have been away from my computer for a week so the postings have not been too regular. I had a minute this morning so I thought I would give a little update on some Lake County Fair news. In the swine show the 4-Her's collected all blue ribbons and we had a couple of animals in the top of their respective classes. Jack even placed in the Jr. showmanship class.(showmanship is a special competition in which the judge evaluates how well the animal has been taken care of and how competent the 4-Her is in handling and setting the animal) That wasn't our only win in showmanship. Maggie and Tim took the honor in sheep and Cassidy won the dairy competition. In the sheep barn our kids took 4 of the 6 top honors and Marina won our first ever Grand Champion lamb. The dairy kids did very well with Stephanie and her cow Taz taking best in show.
I only had the pictures from my cell phone so they aren't that good. I will post more pictures when I can.