Every year we call one of our farmer friends and place an order for a truckload of straw bales. A truckload is about 550 if you were wondering. And without fail we seem to always get our shipment on one of the hottest days of the year. 2010 was to be no different with a heat index over a 102 and a real temp of 96. Still with the help of some 4-Hers our crew go the job done.
When I'm faced with a tough job sometimes I try to distract myself to make the task go quicker. Today I got to thinking about how much weight we moved. Since we did the job in the "bucket brigade" fashion each of us darn near touched each bale. The average weight of a straw bale is 65 pounds. So, if a person really did touch each bale that would be a cumulative lifting of 35,750 pounds. This lends itself to one of the reasons I like farming. At the end of the job you can look back and see exactly what you got accomplished.