Last night our 4-H club partnered with the Country Bumpkins club for a lamb training session. To be a good showman it takes years of practice and a lot of work. One of the stand out showman at the Lake Country Fair has been Haley White. She volunteered to pass on some of her tips to the kids. One of the things I really like about 4-H is the fact that a lot of the skills are passed from the older kids to the younger ones through demonstration and having them help each other. The 4-Hers worked on how to set up their lambs, what the judge is looking for and how to get their animals show ready. It was also a great time for the kids of the different clubs to work together and get to know each other. It is funny how fast kids make friends. Thanks to Haley, Suzy and all the participants last night. A special thanks to Susan and the other Glenview moms who supplied supper last night despite there not being electricity in Glenview.