In May, our Wagner Farm team was given an opportunity of a lifetime to present an outreach program at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. We were asked to do this as part of their Gardenfest special event. The program we put together complimented their efforts in trying to illustrate where our food originally comes from. Sarah, Jeff and I loaded the Fordson and John Deere model H tractors, a transplanter, a cider press and headed east. Fifteen hours or so later we made it to Washington. While the journey was easy, maneuvering a 30 gooseneck trailer and truck through the capital was not. The Smithsonian had us set up the display on the National Mall just in front of their Castle building. For the two days that we worked there, I never lost the amazement of looking up and seeing the Washington Monument, the Capital Building or the Lincoln Memorial. We even got to see the Marine One helicopter a couple of times overhead. The whole experience was amazing but getting to meet so many people from all over the world was the true highlight for me.