I'm going to be honest, I am not a big fan of winter. Of all the seasons, the cold and dark that blanket the land this time of year doesn't do anything for me. However, it does give all of us a chance to get ready for the spring. One of the new programs that we are working hard on right now is the Community Garden. For the last few years we have offered a small garden plot program that specialized in heirloom plant varieties. With so many requests to participate we felt the need to expand and enhance the program. Besides the addition of over 60 plots we are also developing programs that will tie into the themes of gardening and food preservation. In December the Glenview Park District board approved the program which allowed staff to get started in earnest. While it is somewhat hard to see the markers in the picture, we did have the area staked out so that we are ready for plowing and fencing as soon as the ground is thawed.