Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dairy Breakfast - The sun came out!

The 9th annual Dairy Breakfast is now history! As you likely saw, we had a little trouble with the tent on Friday but we got that taken care of with a brand new tent that night. Indestructo Tent company really came through for us. As Saturday morning broke the sun was out but the ground was still suffering the effects of over an inch of rain on Friday. We found out just how wet it was when we got the 22' refrigerated truck stuck in the field on the way to the prep area. After a lot of work and only minutes to spare we pulled it out with one of our big tractors. The day went really well and we hosted almost 900 people for breakfast. A huge thanks goes out to Egg Harbor Cafe for their sponsorship of the event. If you drop by there for breakfast make sure to thank them for us.