Monday, August 16, 2010

The joys of farm food

The experience of growing up on a farm is one of those things that is hard to describe. It is kind of like when people ponder "How would you explain colors to a blind man?" There were times of getting up at ridiculous hours to do work that seemed never ending. One day it was walking beans (yes, I mean walking beans- google it) another it was raking hay or driving cattle. But still everyday you were able to be with family, on land that was family. So I'm still stuck on one of the topics that I touched on last week, the farmers market. I guess I just miss home a bit and things like seeing a bushel of ripe peaches, wiping the soil from a fresh bunch of onions or talking with farmers reminds me of some of the good things about being country. I hope you will enjoy a couple shots from last week's market.