Thursday, September 30, 2010

My favorite tractor

While no one thinks twice about learning of anothers favorite singer or color is it strange to have a favorite tractor? Hope not because for me it isn't even close. I pick the Fordson F every day and twice on Sunday. I'm even the first to admit it isn't all that flashy and it had a bit of a bad reputation. A common piece of advice the old farmers used to pass on was "let it just run over lunch because that will be easier than trying to start it again". Still there is something about that tractor that is just primal cool.
The model F was the first tractor that Henry Ford made for production. That's right, the same guy who made the world famous model T car and basically invented the assembly line. Ford was a farmer at heart and wanted to revolutionize farming with an inexpensive tractor. Ford did not invent the tractor and his weren't the most common ones in the field. Still I think he should be credited with making a monumental change in farming because the rest of the pack had to follow his lead. They too had to make a machine that was powerful, useful and affordable(At the time, a Fordson would sell for about $750) for the farmers.
Yesterday one of our great friends brought us a like new 1927 Fordson for the Wagner collection. David Sniader of Winnetka has helped us with everything from loaning us a threshing machine and baler to helping with ag. research and exhibits. Dave and I had been talking for a while and he said that he had a Fordson that would work real good at the farm. With next weeks Springman/Attea field trips we needed a period tractor and Dave was happy to supply one. Thanks a million for the loan! I'm sure I'll have another blog post or two about my favorite tractor so prepare yourself.