Friday, November 5, 2010

Glenbrook High Schools

I'm going to go out on a limb and make a generalization. Our community's high school kids are really amazing folks. I'm not saying that other town's kids aren't but, the things that District 225's young people do really stand out and speaks to the kinds of people this town is raising and sending into the world. This past weekend Glenbrook North and South High Schools came together for a fundraising event to benefit the Northfield Township Food Bank. There were games, treats and even a haunted house. All the planning, set up and staffing was taken on by the students. At the end of the day they raised over $2,000 for their cause. A pretty good afternoon's work. However, my praise of these kids and their teachers isn't just for this event but rather for what they take on cumulatively. From the V-show and theatrical presentations to the sports fields and the outreach into our town, they do us proud. Especially when many places can only complain about the trouble being stirred up by the "hooligan" high schoolers. Do the kids ever make mistakes? Sure. It's hard to not make a wrong decision now and again but these kids are worth being proud of. As the director of a museum that employs a lot of high schoolers for work in the soda fountain, gift shop and for programs like the birthday parties I have been so pleasantly surprised at how responsible the kids are for this being their first job. So I want to thank the young adults of our town for being the kinds of role models that I wouldn't mind my own child emulating.
A pat on the back to our own - Molly, John, Charles, Carolyn, Leanne, Nolan, Grace, Elizabeth, Haley, Marcella, Cody and Olivia!