Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day tribute

This week my family and I got to go to Washington DC to witness the dedication of an oak tree at the Smithsonian. What made the event so special is the tree that was planted honors of a very special group of service members, the recipients of the Medal of Honor. This medal is the highest award our country bestows and is only given for those acts of extreme bravery.The idea for this project originated with our own Brett McNish. Brett grew up in Glenview and was a member of the Wagner Farm Historical Buildings and Grounds Commission. Currently, Brett is a horticultural curator for the Smithsonian.
About four years ago Brett came up with the idea to incorporate something special into some of the plantings that he was planning for the museum. The result was amazing. Brett even collected dirt from battlefields around the world and had that mixed into the soil that was surrounding the tree. At the ceremony, Brian Thacker, Medal of Honor recipient dedicated the oak tree to the veterans of all wars and to the hope for peace in the world.

Thank you to all the veterans. Great job Brett.

Click here for more on this.