Friday, January 28, 2011

Bessie's leaking

One of our most popular exhibits would have to be the milk cow. She's less intimidating and a lot cleaner than the real ones. Kids literally spend hours practicing their milking skills. With all that use, things are bound to break. Old Bessie has just been put back in service with a new water pump. The cow is set up with a neat water pumping system that recirculates the water from the bucket up through the cow's leg and then around to her udder. She's good as new and ready for you to come and try hand milking.
As for the real milk cows, look like we might be back up and operational by the middle to end of February. During the winter we take any of the cows that are in lactation up to a neighboring farm to help us out. With the flood of school group calls we'll need to be back to milking soon.