Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting ready for the farmers market

I realize the last thing on a lot of people's minds this time of year is the summer farmers market. In this light, I thought I would give a little progress report. The dates for the Glenview Farmers Market have been set. We will open up on June 25th and it will run until October 8th. Right now staff is working on revisions to the vendor's contract budgetary planning (that is Roxanne working hard on the new contract). We anticipate having a full roster of at least 20 plus farmers and artisans. Also returning for the year will be the guest chef table and the green table that highlights that highlights environmental stewardship and good ecological practices. We also have a free booth that is opened to any non-profit community organization to come and tell the world about themselves. If this is something you are interested in please contact me at the farm. It is a first come, first served opportunity that goes fast. You can reach me at
Bring on the spring!