Thursday, February 3, 2011

A real honor

This past week at the Illinois Parks and Recreation Association conference, the Wagner Feed blog was chosen as the overall winner of the "Best Use of Electronic Communications" for the entire the state. I have to say, I was amazed and very honored to have the site recognized. The funny thing is I started writing the blog because so many people asked me, "what's going on at the farm?" I really don't have much to say and the work we do here isn't that important in the overall scheme of things. But we, the folks who work here and the volunteers who pitch in, are having so much fun that it is something we want to share.

I will confess it is somewhat intimidating to put yourself out there. While I'm no artist or performer I felt the weight of "what will they think of this?". I didn't want the blog to be a dry company line type of thing, but I also didn't want it to be sappy. So I just kind of closed my eyes and let my voice make the posts for me. One thing that made it easier when I first started writing was the thought of one my regular readers. When the blog began, my Dad was in the middle of a real fight with cancer. He and my Mom had always been super supportive and often made the long trek from our farm in Iowa to most Wagner events. But with his health deteriorating, travel became nearly impossible. By posting, I was able to bring Mom and Dad to the farm everyday. I know it meant a lot to him in those last days. Even though he is gone, I still write with him in mind.

So, thanks to all of the folks who have helped make this blog. And finally, not to sound too cheeky but thanks to all of you who have taken the time to check in to see what we're up to. I have appreciated the company.