Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Here is number 4

The next highlight took not only time, but a lot of effort by so many people. Wagner Farm crossed the 100,000 yearly visitation mark for the first time. When the museum started in 2002 we were pleased with our 2,860 total that year. These days, we will have weekends where that many people come to the farm.

I sometimes wonder what Pete and the rest of the Wagner family would think of all that has happened to the farm since they left it. I would imagine, being the private people they were, some of the historical interpretation of the family might make them a little uncomfortable. However, the farm that they called home is now a landmark that bears their name. Pete might have some satisfaction from knowing that we are teaching young people about farming. When the Wagners owned the farm it was not uncommon for him to have the neighbor kids come down and lend a hand with chores or some other farm task. In many ways, we are still doing the same thing only on a bigger scale.