Monday, May 7, 2012

Cheese Please

Posted by Sarah

We spend a lot of time talking about the variety of dairy products that we get from milk, but how often do people actually make that ice cream or butter themselves?  If you're like me, you probably buy these items from the grocery store.  This past Saturday, though, a group of students had a very special opportunity to change this routine-they made their very own farmer's cheese!  One of the farm's dear friends, Betsy Urven, came down from Wisconsin to help teach us how to turn milk into cheese.  Each person heated up a gallon of milk, added Kefir and vegetable rennet, and watched as the milk curdled away.  The students removed the cheese curds from the whey and hung them in a cheesecloth to drain.  After about an hour the curds were pressed into a cheese mold and set aside to age.  I would say the hardest part about the whole process is now having to wait a month until we can taste our concoctions.  This is just one of the many adult education classes we'll be offering this year, so keep your eye to the blog for more fun opportunities to come!